23 December 2008

Merry Christmas, everyone!


Welfare system. . .according to a blow dryer.

Oh my. :D
This takes the cake!

19 December 2008

Warning: this is NOT a simulation!

How is it that it is not common knowledge that there is a U.S. constitutional convention pending?! Maybe others knew this, but I sure didn't! If you did not know about this either, please read this article. http://www.chuckbaldwinlive.com/c2008/cbarchive_20081216.html

16 December 2008

A Red, Green Dress. The envy of all.

This is my cute little brother, and he is showing off his new, environmentally friendly dress. He made it out of a used potato bag, and he cut the neck and arms himself. :D Isn't it so cute?
Why buy a new dress, when you can just use a potato bag?! I foresee a bright future for his clothing design career. :P :)
Can't you just see all the other 3 year olds on the block saying, "Mom, I want a dress like that!"?
Lol. He is a lot of fun.


Look at the bottom! New game! :)

14 December 2008

Oh, boy.

This is funny, but you have to wonder, how much of it is NOT just tongue-in-cheek?
Anyway, watch it. It's worth the minute and a half.

"Hey, hey, [me] and [my] fiddle. " :)

There is just something about the violin's soprano voice that is just so. . .I don't know. It is beautiful, but that doesn't describe it. It is an ethereal expression of feeling, floating off the strings, vibrating threw the air. Permeating my very being with the emotion of the music.

Unless it's out of tune. . . :P

I am finally able to play about 5 measures with minimal squeaking. I am so excited to eventually be able to play well. :)

My teacher just had one of her students get a full ride scholarship for violin. She is amazing. Some day, I think to myself, whenever I am discouraged about my. . .(OK I'll just say it) horrible playing. Some day, I will be able to play very well. As long as I keep doing what I am doing. . .(song from the Swan Princess) "Practice! Practice! Practice!"

Frequently, I will play the piano for a while before I play the violin, because it will remind me that I was able to go from "absolute beginner" to "Intermediate / advanced". Last night, I got a feel for how annoying it can be to have a squeaking violin, continually cloying at your very nerves.

My little brother came down the stairs, and yelled at the top of his lungs, over my attempts at "May song", in the Suzuki book, to my mom in the kitchen, "Mom, will you please get rid of that dieing cow?!"

Haha. Oh well. :)

Most of the time my family puts up with my learning, and strange hours for doing so. Last night, I was practicing at around 10:30, because I hadn't had a chance earlier. And aside from my little brother, I didn't hear one complaint. They are so nice to me. :) And I love them for it.

So, here's to family, violin, piano, and continuing music education. :D

13 December 2008

You've got to love it. Political Satire by Glenn.

VOICE: Citizens of the world, we need your help. We must act now to offset the carbon offsets from the Democratic National Convention, but time is running out. We need to pump over 60 million tons of carbon into the air in just a few short days. If we don't act now, the consequences will be catastrophic. In fact, your kids will die. Well, possibly. Corporate sponsors are needed and more than welcome. Go to GlennBeck.com to help or call 888 727 BECK to make your pledge.

GLENN: Yeah, it's quite a big day on the program today. We're greening well, we're more browning than greening. What are you, a colorist all of a sudden? We're just trying to make a difference in our world. We care about the children, care about the animals, we care about, you know, a nice comfortable 77 degree year round temperature and if there's one thing I know we can do. I mean, we can't solve wars, you know, we can't seemingly come up with anything else but oil to run our cars, but one thing we can do, we all work together and hope, hope to change. We can keep a steady 77 degree temperature year round and I think that's I think it's time. I think it's time that we all step to the plate and say, isn't it time? Yeah, I think it is. We've crossed over 3 million pounds now but our goal is 70 million pounds of carbon. That's what the offsets we're doing in Colorado. We don't know yet if any of those offsets were actually being purchased from Al Gore's company which sells offsets. Wouldn't that be great. But we're trying to onset the offsets from the DNC convention, and I think you can help out. The number's 888 727 BECK. Have you made your pledge of just burning an extra carbon or two this week. It's for the children. Please. Make a difference.

By the way, you know, so many people ridiculed Sheryl Crow and she said, you know, we should all use one piece of toilet paper and that's clearly a joke and we were one of the only shows that was intellectually honest enough to say that doesn't sound right. And when we read it in context, we pointed out that she was joking. However, at the time we also pointed out that some people won't be. Here's the latest from the environmental front now. Reusable toilet paper. It's called The Family Cloth or Family Wipes.
They are being urged now as eco friendly replacement for toilet paper. You can find this in Yahoo! Answers and green websites, for the eco friendly alternative to toilet paper. Here's just an excerpt from this. The purpose of the Family Cloth is to reduce the waste created by toilet paper. The environmentally unfriendly aspects of toilet paper happen before it arrives at your home. Trees are destroyed for the necessary pulp and large amounts of chemicals are used to turn the wood pulp into the soft fluffy white tissue we like to use. In addition those darn packages of toilet paper are big and a lot of fuel is burned getting them to your destination. These concerns are causing people to ditch their toilet paper and use a Family Cloth instead. I would like to talk to somebody, anybody on planet Earth that has ditched toilet paper and is now using Family Cloth. We have about eight million listeners. Out of those if people are let me see. These concerns are causing people to ditch their toilet paper out of eight million people in this country, I would assume one, one is part of that. There has to be somebody who happens to be just changing the station right now and they're like, oh, this guy, I hate wait a minute. He's talking about Family toilet paper, I've done that!
Family wipes, you bet. I'm going to call him up. I'd love to talk to you if that's you. The article goes on. Old T shirts are the most popular source for the family cloth pieces. Using them for a family cloth prevents them from becoming yet another piece of landfill. Cotton T shirt material is soft and very absorbent. They also receive high ratings from female users because they don't leave any of the annoying tissue dust after usage. For those unfamiliar with Family Cloth, the name is somewhat misleading. No one seems to be certain where the term originated but it's not an accurate title. Family members do not share a single cloth for their bathroom wiping needs. Oh, why? How many times do you have to wash this cloth? Can't we just use one piece of cloth, all of us, all day long? Each family member has their own cloth. Most often they just stack a bunch of clean cloth strips.

They are left near the toilet in the bathroom. And then the family cloth is placed in a bucket and every few days those are washed. Hmmm. That's fantastic. I think the Progressives and the environmentalists are leading us into an America that most of us could only have imagined. You know, it's some, like, spooky science fiction book. You can just say no way could we ever be that yeah, yeah, we're on our way. Oh, to the Family Cloth. And by the way, if you're listening right now and you're not thinking that the Family Cloth is a good idea, well, ask yourself why is it you hate the planet so much.
What is it about you? What is it about you that you should maybe reevaluate and change? And if you don't change, well, maybe we should send you to a camp.
Maybe we should enlist you in the Coming Green Corp where you can serve to make the planet green. You can learn how important it is, where if we all just come together and fight to keep our planet green, the deer will start to talk like Bambi and we'll finally be able to understand Thumper... you're like, yes, you are a bunny and I don't want to kill you, no. That's why I'm using a Family Cloth.
Are we insane? The answer to that, if I were standing at a convention, I would have said it like, "Are we insane?" And then I would have said, "No." And then tried to get you to say "No" back and it would be great because we could all be like stupid zombies chanting something back: "No. Yes, we can! No, we shouldn't!" Oh, I can't... I'm going to go into some of the stuff.

12 December 2008

Me + Fire + Food = diasaster

Why is it that every time I cook, I set off the fire alarm?
I am not kidding.
8 out of 10 times, the alarm will go off if I am cooking.
Tonight, I was cooking some bacon for potato bars, and the alarm when off not once, but TWICE. Is it just me, or is there something wrong? Who knows though, I could just move to France, then I would be considered a gourmet cook! :)
Besides, it's just. . .well done.

Light Among the Dark

Watch this. Amazing video.
* Sigh *
The lengths I must go to to protect my shampoo from my brothers. . .

Favorite youtube videos of all time

I always love getting links to youtube videos, so I thought I would share a few of my favs.

Funny/no point:



Food for thought:









Hello, everyone. It's me. This is my first attempt at a blog, so if there are technical difficulties, I am sorry. However, I really like the idea on the "NewGenerationOfConservitives" blog, where they have guest authors, so if any of you feel like writing something, or posting something you did write, please send it to me. It doesn't have to be political, it doesn't have to be some deep subject, or a light one for that matter. Whatever you would like to post. Send it to me to review, and I'll post it.
Thanks y'all!!

11 December 2008

How could this happen?!

Think about this.

If you woke up in America today, chances are that you had breakfast.
If you woke up in America today, chances are that you weren't in fear of your life.
If you live in America, chances are that you voted, or could have, without fear of death or other reprisals.
If you live in America, chances are that you have never seen a loved one wither away and die of hunger.
If you live in America, chances are that your only worry when you wake up and go to school is whether your clothes match, and whether that cute boy on the basketball team will look at you.

If you woke up in Zimbabwe today, chances are that you didn't have breakfast, because of the food shortages. Or if you did, you had to wait for literally days in line to get it.
If you woke up in Zimbabwe, chances are that you will have been in some danger by the end of the day. And that's not counting the danger of starvation you will face constantly.
If you lived in Zimbabwe, chances are that you were afraid to vote, knowing the political turmoil, and you wouldn't think it counted anyway. The elections are rigged.
If you lived in Zimbabwe, chances are that you have put your children to bed hungry, even crying. Or even seen them die because you simply couldn't get food for them.
If you lived in Zimbabwe, chances are that you are not going to school, and are doomed to a life of poverty, not only because of the econemy, but also becase you will not ever get the nessisary education to even get a highschool deploma.

Did you know that if you have food to eat everyday, and more than two pairs of clothing, you are among the top 8% of rich people in the world?

I don't know about you, but this is not something that I can just put to the back of my mind. There are dozens of countries that are in this condition.
Can you believe that? 92% of the world's population does not have what is considered to be the basics to you or I.
I don't know about you, but I can't just let this happen. Now the only question that remains is what I will do about it. But you have read this too, so know you know. So, ask yourself. "Is this something that I can ignore"?
If it isn't, I hope you will join me in finding a solution.