There is just something about the violin's soprano voice that is just so. . .I don't know. It is beautiful, but that doesn't describe it. It is an ethereal expression of feeling, floating off the strings, vibrating threw the air. Permeating my very being with the emotion of the music.
Unless it's out of tune. . . :P
I am finally able to play about 5 measures with minimal squeaking. I am so excited to eventually be able to play well. :)
My teacher just had one of her students get a full ride scholarship for violin. She is amazing. Some day, I think to myself, whenever I am discouraged about my. . .(OK I'll just say it) horrible playing. Some day, I will be able to play very well. As long as I keep doing what I am doing. . .(song from the Swan Princess) "Practice! Practice! Practice!"
Frequently, I will play the piano for a while before I play the violin, because it will remind me that I was able to go from "absolute beginner" to "Intermediate / advanced". Last night, I got a feel for how annoying it can be to have a squeaking violin, continually cloying at your very nerves.
My little brother came down the stairs, and yelled at the top of his lungs, over my attempts at "May song", in the Suzuki book, to my mom in the kitchen, "Mom, will you please get rid of that dieing cow?!"
Haha. Oh well. :)
Most of the time my family puts up with my learning, and strange hours for doing so. Last night, I was practicing at around 10:30, because I hadn't had a chance earlier. And aside from my little brother, I didn't hear one complaint. They are so nice to me. :) And I love them for it.
So, here's to family, violin, piano, and continuing music education. :D
Hehe, my mother kicks me off the piano around 10:30. I'll play the same song (which is usually Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven) again and again and again... My family is rather sick of it by now.